Halloween digital marketing ideas
Add Halloween Flavors to Your Visual Content
There is nothing creepier than an undecorated house on Halloween. This spooky appearance says that its owners either hate fun celebrations or that they haven’t been home in a while. Whatever the reason may be, everyone avoids it.
You need to look at your website as a house in need of Halloween decorations, regardless of what you sell. Whether you are dealing in the gory stock market or the candy-like business, you need to spice up your visuals to fit this month’s theme.
The best way to add some Allhallows flavors is to bring in some user-favorite decorations like carved pumpkins, witches or zombies. Change the background colors to make everything eerier. Throw around some blood stains and unnerving shadows to show that you mean business.
Haunt the Living Hell Out of Social Media
Decorating your digital home may not be enough nowadays. In reality it is common to display your holiday spirit everywhere you go. So is in your social media business pages where your presence should not miss the haunting specter of Halloween.
Make a hair-raising appearance on all social media channels to attract the visits of content-craving followers. Take your business to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat and present it in the howling spirit of the holiday. Boost user engagement by posting relevant content to your activity, but with a pinch of pumpkin spice and cinnamon.
Summon an All-Treat, No Tricks Competition
User-generated content is the leading craze nowadays. If you want more costume-wearing followers to show up at your front door, you need to lure them in with an all-treat, no tricks competition.
Create a Halloween-themed contest where they have to send funny images of their pets wearing holiday costumes, scary stories or bloodcurdling tweets. The winner can receive a nice treat related to your business, or a spine-tingling amount of candy.
Stick Your Fangs into the Competition
In digital marketing, Halloween lasts more than a day. In fact, most businesses start hanging the cobwebs and carving the pumpkins a full moon ahead. If you want to scare your competition away, you will need to do just the same.
Make a calendar of scheduled posts and theme changes that you will make to your website throughout the month of October. Keep a close eye on social media and engage users through holiday-related content. Promise visitors a breathtaking treat for All Saints’ Eve, and keep the suspense up while delivering your content with a thunderous cackle!
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