Why does the search result title differ from the page title?

Why does the search result title differ from the page title?

The first thing which catches every reader’s eye is the title of the content. A page title outlines the ideology of the content and plays a pivotal role in driving traffic. So have you found Google changing your page titles on the search result page? Yes, Google does...
How does Google algorithm deal with website ranking?

How does Google algorithm deal with website ranking?

This write-up is in continuation with our previous discussion on the nuances of Google ranking. Google ranking & algorithms always work together to give users the desired outcome. Let us further dive into the working of the Google algorithm and how does it have an...
Choosing Between Relative and Absolute URLs | Internal Link Checker

Choosing Between Relative and Absolute URLs | Internal Link Checker

Managing the multiple facets of a website is not a cake walk. Every miniature move could have a voluminous impact on your SERP Ranking. One such dominant aspect of a webpage is handling web links. Web page strategists have always had this lingering doubt about the...
Is URL Masking the Best way to Deal with Redirects?

Is URL Masking the Best way to Deal with Redirects?

Earning the highest SERP score is the ultimate destination every strategist aims for. URL masking is an approach that may have a huge impact on the search engine optimization of the web page. URL masking as an approach for redirects may result with a direct effect on...
4 Halloween Digital Marketing Ideas to bring all the trick-or-treaters

4 Halloween Digital Marketing Ideas to bring all the trick-or-treaters

Halloween is a few weeks away, but it sure feels like it’s just around the corner. Very soon, your customers will be wearing funny hats, vampire teeth and sprinkle pumpkin spice over everything they buy. Without delivering holiday-fitting content to send eerie...
Weaving internal pages with deep linking – SEO Automation Tool

Weaving internal pages with deep linking – SEO Automation Tool

Web strategists strive hard to hit the “targeted “optimization ranking on SERP. Undoubtedly, veteran strategists would never overlook the significance of internal pages and weigh them on par with the home page of their websites. “Inbound links”...