“Pinterest is only for DIY projects. Women use this social networking platform to publish some visual content”

That’s what most people believe when it comes to digital marketing. Often the sites that aren’t given much consideration happen to be effective platforms. Haven’t you heard of the success stories of popular brands like Apple, Lowe’s, and Walmart? Well, these companies also use Pinterest to leverage an untapped marketing strategy. 

Do you know a pin is 100 times more likely to be shared on social sites than a tweet? The question is how can you use Pinterest to your advantage? Let’s find the answers:

Create a Business Account

Set up a business account on Pinterest or convert your existing account into the business account for free. Like Instagram, business accounts can access Pinterest analytics. These users can even publish rich pins that contain more information than the usual ones. Pinterest will check and review your website before approving it as a business account. Once approved, you’ll get access to the following features:

  • Marketing blog
  • Video library
  • Pinterest guides
  • Other tools

Apply for the Pinterest business account right away and reap the benefits. 

Write High-quality Copy Description 

Right below your pin, there’s a description that gives a brief pin description to your readers. If you are a blogger, this section should comprise the blog title and a few words description only. But to make your pin attain higher visibility in the Pinterest search engines, you need to do much more than writing a casual description. 

To receive higher engagement and visibility, a pin must be useful, comprehensive, intriguing, and actionable. A compelling call-to-action that gets your visitors to your website is sufficient.  Remember that Pinterest marketing involves keyword-rich title and description. Don’t over-stuff the keywords, but try to insert a few throughout the content. 

Read Also: How to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

Know the Right Time to Pin

The main goal of a Pinterest user is to get as many repins as possible. The more people repin your content, the higher the visibility of your post is. One way to increase the number of repins is by posting at the right time. When does your target audience use Pinterest? Depending on your niche, the right time for posting on Pinterest can vary. For example, fashion and retail sectors should pin on a Saturday evening. 

The worst time to post is during the working hours and business days. Try to find your target audience’s demographics to get a proper insight into Pinterest. 

Create Compelling Images

With hundreds of images pinned every second on Pinterest, it goes without saying that competition is fierce. The standard pins will no longer work now. You need to come up with a fantastic photo that grabs your viewer’s attention almost instantly. Here’s how to create a pinnable image.

  • Consider the size of the images. The ideal aspect ratio for Pinterest Photo is 2:3 and 4:5. 
  • The picture should look stunning with a seamless background, proper lighting, and brightness effects.

That’s it! Create a perfect Pinterest image and grow your brand. 

Read Also: Google Image Search: How To Get Traffic Without Building Links?

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