Every search engine wants to provide the best experience to its users whenever they do a query to find the answer to their questions. And Google is not an exception; Google always tries to provide best to its users thereby updating and changing its algorithms and strategies according to the demand of the market. And in present date, the mobile market is in trend and every second person uses mobile to search for anything they want. On the whole, it just means that mobile searches almost have taken over the desktop searches. Thus, Google also wants to give it a try and therefore currently to define it as an “experiment” – Mobile First Indexing.

Changes with Mobile First Indexing

Thus, before heading to anything else we need to understand what the term Mobile First Indexing mean and what will change with it as its name indicates “Mobile First Indexing”. It just means that Google will index mobile version of the web as their key search index. So if you are thinking what is changing or what’s the new? Then let me tell you that, before the massive evolution of mobile market Google crawled the web all the way through links, then through the desktop browser point of view and rest is all I have explained at the beginning of this paragraph.

Now the questions which might be arising in your mind – Do I have to make a mobile website or what if I do not have a mobile site? What if I have a mobile website, what measures should I have to take to make it perfect according to this new norm? You can simply check for mobile app development company who can encompasses a bunch of technical talents, equipped with state-of- the-art competencies to help organizations gracefully scale through their mobility roadmap with utmost ease.

Then in that case you don’t have to worry about it when you only have the desktop website, it will continue to crawl and index your desktop version of the site and even look after your website with its mobile agent.

But what when you have a mobile site? Do you need to worry or not? Well, I will tell you about it later in this article. Before that, I will tell you the best way to deal with this update – go for the responsive website.

Read also: Mobile SEO 2018-The Six Key Components

Why Responsive Web Development is the Key to success in 2017

Now when Google has cleared that it is experimenting with the mobile-first-indexing and if everything goes well it will become the primary and one and only index. Thus, on that note, the best approach to adopt is by going responsive. It will not only reduce the hassle of mobile implementations, along with that it will also reduce your burden of extending content on different versions of websites. It is because in responsive website content remains the same on both desktop and mobile website.

As I promised now, it’s time to head towards some previously unanswered questions which need to answer now. So let us head towards it.

Recommendations to Site Owners

1. The list of things to check for mobile first indexing starts here,

The first thing which you should check is the site configuration where the main content and markup across both desktop and mobile version of the website. If configurations are the same, then you don’t have to anything. But if there is a difference then you have to make changes to your website. Now how you can do it:-

a) You can do it by endowing it with the same structured markup for both desktop and mobile version. And you can verify the equity of both the versions by using the Structured Data Testing Tool of the Google. All you have to do is to place the URL of both the versions independently and then contrasting the outcomes.

2. The next thing is to check is whether your website is verified for both the versions in Google search console. If it is not then make sure you fetch for both desktop and mobile as well.

3. Now the next thing to check is the robots.txt file. You have to check whether it is accessible in both versions of your website or not. And you can check it with the help of testing tool for Robots.txt by Google.

4. Last but not the least; include sitemap for both mobile and featured phone. As it plays the most important role in crawling and indexing of a website.

Wrap Up:

Hope this post will help you to understand complete about the mobile first indexing. So please do share your views and comments with us in the comments section. Also don’t forget to show your love for the post by sharing it different platforms if you like the post. We will keep you updating with such latest posts so just subscribe us and get emails direct to your inbox.


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