Are you a marketer looking to implement the best of strategies for your website? Are you skeptical about ways to find the highest ranking keywords to incorporate on your web page content? Don’t feel left out as you are not alone. Every search engine optimization strategy faces this challenge of zeroing down to the best-fit keywords for their web content. The final outcome expected is as always-to rank higher and the highest in SERP. So what is the success formula behind achieving a higher ranked web page and earn the competitive edge over others? Is there a protocol to achieve “keywords” for higher ranking? Read on to explore the travel behind an optimized web page.

Finding Keywords:

This is probably the first step any marketer would take – Finding keywords. But how? Simply punching words related to your business area, product or services into keyword planning tools will not help you in any way. Search engine optimization has grown in leaps and bounds and it is considered to be a continuous methodology which demands strategists to be on the run- constantly making improvisations. So when a SEO strategist begins with finding keywords, he will need to decide upon his business, his target audience along with factors depending or related to these. With this perspective, he will pen down few keywords or rather phrases and work on them. When we compare specific words with phrases, it has been proven that longer phrases perform better as they give a narrower range of options for the visitors. A visitor beginning to search for his requirement needn’t necessarily be familiar with targeted jargons related to the product but may use generalized terms. Let us consider a user trying to search for a mobile phone cover. He will consciously type in “mobile phone cover” rather than mobile phones or mobile accessories. A long-tail keyword in such cases pushes the user to move a step further in the sales funnel.

Keywords planning

Understanding your Customer Base:

Comprehending the requirements of your customer base is pivotal. Giving them what they need will definitely make them happy. Drill down into the details of all the areas your customers might be interested into, shortlist all these niche areas and begin to work on them. Understanding your customers though important is not that easy. A research or study of various forums related to your business area, customer reviews, enquiries can help you in short listing. Also, a detailed analysis of your competitor website may also contribute towards your study.

Voice Search:

Voice search is a trending feature with users opting for this simple way to search for their needs. This way of searching over mobile phones is related to long tail keywords. This kind of a search is usually conversational rather than simply words. With the mobile commerce reaching greater heights, SEO strategists should focus on this option and optimize web pages.

Voice search

Focusing on the Webpage:

When a viewer browses through your webpage, this experience should be importantly hassle-free. Broken links, on-page issues, speed of the page are few technical aspects to consciously highlight on. Such a website will not win customers, make them agitated and hit hard on the performance of your webpage. Closely monitor such bottlenecks and ensure to maintain a compelling website.

Again, search engine optimization and keyword research do not remain constant. They keep varying with shifting demands and changes in the business space and depend wholly on the customer choices. It is therefore most important to keep researching, performing comparative analysis and updating your web page based on latest trends and requirements. Keep getting as much analytic data as possible, interpret it the best possible way and implement to get the desired results.

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