In order to make the right decisions for your SEO campaign or provide clear and visible value to your clients, it’s essential that you create effective SEO reports. Bad reporting procedures result in confusing or useless data that only serves to waste your time. Many professionals make the mistake that simply creating something like SEO audit reports is sufficient to drive a campaign forward.

What’s the Difference Between SEO Reports and BI Reports?

The first thing in order is to understand the goal of a report. There are two types of reports – regular reports and business intelligence reports. Regular reports shows you what is happening and helps you understand the status of the campaign. You can anticipate what’s going to happen and in some cases sway the campaign in the right direction before it goes off course.

Business intelligence reports are different in that it tells you the reason for the results and how the data can be used to make improvements. For instance, SEOs can build a report containing list of keywords that are generating the most leads or sales if that’s the conversion goal. The person driving the SEO campaign can then put more focus on ranking higher for these keywords and even expand the keywords into pay per click advertising.

Read also: Role of SEO tool in Digital Marketing

Why Smart Dashboards are Essential for Every SEO Campaign?

SEO person also need to make good use of dashboards. The purpose of your dashboard is to quickly give you an overview of all the important metrics in your campaign. Some of the more important metrics include conversion rates, bounce rates, and which keywords bring in the most leads/sales. This is information that helps you understand what’s going on with your campaign, what needs to be improved upon, and where to focus your campaign.

By focusing on the main goals of your campaign, it makes it easy to create a strong business intelligence report. For example, if the reporting reveals that the budget is being overused on a keyword that’s not converting very well, the business intelligence report may focus on the most profitable keywords based on the time and money spent creating content, acquiring leads, etc. The goal in mind here would be to optimize the campaign for highest ROI.

Read also: Five ways to improve your Digital Marketing Campaigns

Don’t Forget Who the Data is For?

At the end of the day, the data has to be presented in a way that can be acted on. So it needs to make sense to the business owner who wants to know how to grow his business. If there is an in-house SEO team, the data needs to help the campaign manager make the right decisions. The campaign manager figures out what to do and provide good reports. Hence this will save a lot of time.

Wrap up:

In conclusion, there needs to be more focus on creating reports and dashboards that are actionable. It’s not enough to provide a report that includes various charts and data. But also to understand everything and explainable on the goals.

Read also: 5 Steps to a Successful Website Audit

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