Inevitably, mobile SEO are exploding.

  • Based on a survey by Google, Mobile has 27.8 billion more searches than desktop.
  • According to Mobile Marketer, more than 30% of the total searches are received from mobile devices.

Thus being the norm, it has become cardinal for digital marketers to reassess their mobile SEO strategies and affirmatively define their stand in this cut-throat competitive mobile space.

When it comes to mobile SEO, companies have been predominantly into paid searches, app indexing and including mobile sitemaps. But is that all about mobile SEO?

Read on to drill down into the nuances of mobile SEO and what strategists ought to do for the perfect mobile ranking.

Six most essential requirements to fuel your mobile SEO:

  • Contemplating on core ranking:

Though we understand that mobile SEO does differ from web-based SEO, the core remains the same- relevance, authority and the usefulness of your content. Without focusing on this aspect of core SEO, your attempts through mobile keyword research, content development will do no help to your mobile ranking. The first step in mobile SEO is indexing of your mobile site based on its authority. This is followed by the page speed. A user will not like to see a lagging page. These two factors remain the crux of web and mobile SEO alike.

  • Dealing mobile-friendly errors:

There are different mobile configurations like responsive design vs. dynamic serving vs. separate URL. Irrespective of these configurations there are mobile-friendly errors which do occur and it is necessary to curb them. Also, these errors could hit hard on your visibility in searches.

  • Incline towards mobile keywords and content development:

Keyword research for mobile and web differs.  Users on mobile tend to key in shorter phrases when compared to the web due to the comfort aspect. Keeping such factors in mind, the intent and search patterns of users need to be evaluated. Again, Google recommends marketers to focus on aspects like “visit-in-person queries”, “near me” and “nearby” searches.

Also, Google strongly suggests strategists to have a detailed comprehension about mobile behavior like “device action”, “do” queries and “know simple” queries as these are additional elements to web based SEO.

  • App store optimization:

As the name refers to app store optimization is SEO for app store search engines. Hence, It complements app indexing. With ASO, you could increase your app credibility and have your app being listed on app search results and app downloads. All you will need to do is have a content-rich app with utmost relevance for users.

  • App indexing:

App indexing is all about relevant content on your mobile app, correcting crawl errors and ensuring that your mobile page is being indexed and listed on the search result page. You will also need to pay heed on the keywords used to be more pertinent and attract increased traffic to your mobile page.

  • Accelerated mobile pages:

AMP is born out of a collaborative initiative between Google and Twitter. It primarily aims to improve the speed of pages on mobile devices. This in turn contributes towards an improved traffic and ranking for the mobile page. As a result, this open source project targets publishers on Google to enhance their speed and readability on mobile devices.


Thus, techniques like paid search have their own impact on mobile SEO, these six factors are the quintessence for your mobile site to gain a better ranking. Get a hold on these and own a proactive mobile page right away.

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