Business owners are breaking their heads to decide on the role of Search Engine Optimization in their marketing initiatives to cope up with growing global competitions. Some of the questions are:

• Why do I need to add the additional item in the marketing budget?

• Do I need to strengthen the existing marketing team which is already trying to dominate?

How Important is Google search or Yahoo search?

Simple answer: Customer base that relies on the internet is growing day by day. A decade ago, people laughed while hearing the idea of selling cars online. Now, before spending on a car, a major portion of auto buyers are researching makes and models of the car. Inevitably, they want to know whether car dealers are reliable. So it has become a necessity to study on the impact of the online presence of auto manufacturers and their dealers.

Following are the key areas where SEO Services can help:

  • Branding and improving reliability
  • Reputation management
  • Lead generation
  • Online lead conversion
  • Loyalty and customer feedback

No business is ready to take any chance to miss any sales in the roller-coaster economy.

What is Search Engine Optimization, and Who Can Do The Job?

In simple terms, SEO is a set of guidelines that website owners need to follow while uploading any content on the web site. If similar businesses are operating in the same location, every business will try to differentiate itself by offering specials to encourage customers to visit their business. In the same way, effective SEO is required to attract customers to visit the website. If the brand value is already established over a period of time, there is no need to worry about loyal customers who love the brand. To improve business and to bring new customers, SEO is required.

Customer behavior will be different when they find the business in the first few places of Google or Yahoo or Bing search and the business that they find in the 2nd or 3rd page.

Then the next question that automatically arises is: How to get the first place in Google Search?

In order to stay ahead in the competition and to display the website on the first page of search engine results, we need to understand the algorithm used by popular search engines like Google and Bing.

SEO must be applied to start from domain name selection, location of hosting, content, technology, maintenance, and promotion of the website.

The Advent of Social Media

The growing popularity of social media plays a vital role in Current SEO Operations. The old saying of “No news is good news” will not work anymore. We need to step in the viral world to spread positive messages about the company and product. Essentially, this social marketing must be started as soon as possible. Age of news, domain, posting, etc., all influence the SERP results.

Before getting into the floor of a car dealership, a major percentage of potential buyers are researching the cars on the internet. Subsequently, this motivates the car companies to concentrate more on achieving internet popularity. For such businesses that are critical about internet visibility, are not their private property anymore. Before any amends, technology migration, content changes, etc. search engine rules must be given importance right from their design stage. Search Engine Optimization techniques must reflect the changes in the algorithm of major search engines.

In a nutshell, SEO is a set of guidelines in practice. It is imperative that SEO guidelines are followed to get the website indexed and approved by different search engines.

Source: SEO – Is It A Rocket Science

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