Every individual that uses this tool may struggle to conduct successful ad campaigns, particularly in sponsored searches. As with any advertising platform, understanding the complexities and functionalities, as well as learning how to execute best practices, takes time.

Most essential, you shouldn’t be discouraged by what you don’t know. Assume, however, that you are always learning new things from other specialists and adding new approaches to your repertory.

Here are 5 tips to earn a better ROI from your platform:

  1. Analyze the Campaign and Ad Group Structure:

When completing sponsored search audits for customers, we frequently discover errors caused by improperly set up campaigns and ad groups.

The advantages of a good campaign and ad group structure are as follows:

Improve impression share, a critical metric

We do not compete for words with ourselves. Different ad groups may compete for the same keywords, restricting your reach and producing campaigns that are inherently competitive.

A more tightly structured campaign implies that the landing page experience you’re creating is more relevant to your ad, which improves ad quality and predicted CTR.

Here are some loose guidelines:

  • Start with the campaign and understand the campaign’s goals
  • Develop ad groups by theme or product line within that campaign.
  • 7 to 10 ad groups per campaign
  • 20 keyword max per ad group
  • 2 to 3 ads per group

Target your website: If you have a well-structured website, particularly if you provide items or services appropriately segregated on your website, you may wish to target Google Paid Search Ads campaigns. It seems reasonable to set them up similarly.

By geographical location. Configure campaigns by location if you have a location-specific business (selling events in distinct geographic places) or if you have several retail outlets with POS in different locations. You can do the same.

  1. Modify the keyword match kinds and techniques.

We frequently advise our clients to initiate search marketing with a ‘broader’ perspective. After all, even with comprehensive keyword research, it’s difficult to predict which specific search queries your potential consumers will use (or even misspell) and convert to your product or service.

Only advertisements containing terms appended with a + sign will be displayed if you use the “Broad Match Modifier” instead. Thus, +instructional +design +course will display only if the user searches for all terms that start with a plus sign (or similar variations of each word). Partial match modifiers are not allowed in match types.

Broad match modifiers will be transformed to phrase matches in the future.]

Other sorts of matches to consider:

Phrase Match: Your ad will appear only for searches that include the exact phrase or variants of the phrase with extra words before or after it.

“Adopt a kitten,” for example. Search terms that may be relevant include “adopt a kitten,” “adopt a kitten (misspelled),” and “how to adopt a cat.”

Exact Match: Allows your ad to appear just for searches that contain the exact phrase or close variants of the exact phrase, and no other terms. “Adopt a kitten,” for example. Search terms that may be relevant include: adopt a kitten, adopt a kiten (misspelling).

Negative Match: This option ensures your ad does not appear for any searches that involve that phrase. To do this you can enter “-free.” Searches that will not provide results include free kitten adoption, free kitten calendars, and “who wants to liberate the kittens.”

Inserting keywords:

Because the ads match what the visitor is searching for, keyword insertion can enhance ad relevance and click-through rate.

Assume you’re selling a sofa. In your ad headlines, you may use the keyword insertion code: Headline: Buy – KeyWord: sofas Google Ads will try to substitute this code with one of your ad group’s keywords (“sofa bed”, “couch”, “chesterfield”), but if this is not feasible, use “sofa.”

Read Also: Google AdWords for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Improved targeting of target groups:

When optimizing Google Ads for optimum ROI, employ audiences and target regions to target certain demographics or online habits that characterize your potential consumers. This helps reduce irrelevant traffic and clicks of low quality. Different target groups can be established to promote awareness, influence consideration, and drive action.

You may target certain industries based on information Google knows about the searcher. Alternatively, you can use Audience Manager to establish a custom audience by uploading a list of registered people. The latter are typically great, since they are farther advanced in the sales process and are already familiar with your brand.

Layering – applying the same extra targeted criteria to visitors who have visited the website – is another essential to restricting. You’ll want to avoid retargeting people who aren’t in that group, to begin with, which can happen if you gain visits from organic search or other sources.

  1. Track critical KPIs to boost ROI:

Paid search, like any other digital marketing channel, should not be seen as a “set it and forget it” endeavor. Performance should be reviewed and changed on a regular basis depending on progress toward key benchmarks.

Notable characteristics include:

Impression Share: A percentage of current impressions were received; lower figures imply the need for improved ad content or structure, campaign updates, and even more investment.

Anything less is a warning signal, because the average search impression share for advertising is between 60% and 85%.

Quality Score: It’s important to monitor your Google Quality Score at all times. This is because they have an impact on the amount you pay to run an advertisement and, therefore, your ability to make it available. In general, the higher the position and lower the price, the better the quality of the advertisement.

Two elements influence the quality factor:

  1.   Click-through rate anticipated (CTR)
  2.   Ad relevance (the degree to which the ad fits the user’s search intent). 3. Knowledge of landing pages.

Conversion rate/total conversions: In Google Ads, you may calculate the conversion rate by dividing the number of conversions received by your campaign for the total number of clicks. A low conversion rate might be caused by:

  • Poor usability of the landing page
  • Prioritizing clicks over conversions in optimization. (Note: If you have at least 15 conversions during the past 30 days, you can optimize for conversions most effectively.)
  • Subpar data. You’re no longer correctly tracking desires.
  1. Create a search advertising remarketing listing (RLSA):

Operating to find and target the most appropriate clients is a component of the PPC system. However, the truth is that few clients are more pertinent than those who have previously shown interest in your goods or services. With the use of Google Ads’ remarketing listing for search advertisements (RLSA) tool, you may target relevant ads or campaigns toward visitors to your website who haven’t made any purchases.

To track these people, Google Ads offers code that you may include on your website. Reminding visitors of the original reason they visited your website might keep them coming back. This tailored retargeting significantly boosts your return on investment.


You should use the aforementioned advice to develop your sponsored search strategy. Achieving corporate objectives and learning more about effective campaigns depend on maximizing ROI.

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