What is zero ranking?

The dream of every business owner would be to appear as number one in his own field whereas when it comes to an online businessman, he would aim to be on rank 0 because according to google’s ranking, Zero ranking (0) is the new 1.

In a competitive market, every domain owner would aim at achieving the ranking #0 in Google’s SERP (Search Engine Results Page). It is important to take the effort and investment that is involved in attaining that position because Google offers an option called Featured Snippets. It is the ability of Google to choose a website link that best answers the query of a user. The site appears at the top of the search results page in the form of paragraph, list or a table, above the organic search results. The snippet contains page title and the URL , along with a “snippet” of the page’s content. It is an attempt to answer the searcher’s query. These featured snippets draw the attention of the users; and many site owners find that there is a significant increase in the flow of traffic or CTR (Click-Through Rate) on the websites that have featured snippets in the SERPs.

Tips to achieve Position 0:

A website owner has to conduct a thorough site audit and regulate the content presented on the domain and eventually achieve ranking #0. Here are few tips to attain the revered zero ranking,

  • Understanding Target Audience
  • Keyword scrutiny and selection
  • SEO Audit
  • Content Optimization
  • Content Presentation 
Understanding Target Audience:

This is the root of all the efforts that a domain owner puts in. The understanding on who would read the content on his website would make him analyse on what an user would search for, what questions he would post and what kind of answers would he be expecting would help the owner to make his site an engaging and effective one.

Keyword scrutiny and selection:

It is a common knowledge that the majority of featured snippets are triggered by long-tail keywords. Therefore, before investing time on presenting content on a particular topic, conducting a thorough research on the keywords to be used is important. Since the purpose of featured snippets is to answer a question, it is recommended to start your keyword research with question-based search queries, as well as queries with an informational intent.

SEO Audit:

The site owner has to conduct an SEO Audit on his domain and understand the on-page ranking and implement the same to increase the domain’s ranking. It is often advised to enhance the online presence by paying attention to inbound links, social media profiles, online reviews and content creation.

Content Optimization:

The content that an owner presents on a particular topic may not be the only one answer that is available online. Therefore, it is important to perform an in-depth analysis on the topic under question and provide best answer that is rich in information and at the same time is engaging, entertaining and of high quality. It should deviate from the crux of the question and should be user friendly and easily understandable.

Content Presentation:

The content available on a particular website might be highly relatable to a topic; but to get listed as featured snippet, it is important to present it well. Dividing the content into small paragraphs with subheadings, using bullets and numbers, tables, charts and diagrams are essential.

How Snippets Appear:

A featured snippet usually appears as a paragraph, list or URL above all the other normal search results. Here is featured snippet example,


featured snippet

Featured snippet

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