Platforms like Facebook, Twitter and several other social media marketing sites have all accessed popularity in recent years as a place where people can connect with other people and get information about products and services that businesses offer. So, using these sites to market businesses is certainly a viable medium to generate an income.

The social media marketing sites are meant for social interactions and sharing of information and experiences with other internet users and the impact of Facebook posting depends on the different perspectives of the users and the nature of information one is posting.

Few tips for Writing an Impressive Facebook Post:

Communicative Language

While writing for Facebook posts, one should follow communicative style of writing to convey oneself properly. Facebook site is based on interactions so the language used must be appealing. Interactive mode of writing is of utmost importance, if you are writing for promotion of a brand or for expression of your personal beliefs or thoughts.


It is highly important to add up content that is well researched and should add only relevant and updated content to the benefit of readers. Also, it is necessary to add all pros and cons of the theme while writing to make the Facebook post authentic and impartial. There can be many purposes of writing on Facebook site so one should shape up the content to satisfy the professional or personal motives.


It is necessary to provide a catchy headline to attract more and more Facebook users to visit your blog. Catchy headlines can certainly attract considerable traffic to one’s Facebook post, thereby making the post noteworthy as well.

Flawless Writing

While writing Facebook posts check upon writing errors and present it in a visually pleasant and flawless manner, because faulty writing style can distract your readers. Also, check upon grammar errors as they can change the entire meaning thereby turning your readers away from your posts. There is no harm in using jargons if writing for a personal blog but one need to avoid them if the post is meant to serve professional purpose.

Use Links, Videos and Images

There are four types of content one can post on Facebook; links, images, videos and text updates. Using video is the most important engagement driver, followed by text updates, links and photos.

However, before selecting the content types for your Facebook post, spend time to analyze your business and audience. For instance, if you want to drive traffic to your blog, the link format likely to work well for you. On the other hand, if brand awareness is your main aim, images and videos are a better option.

Call-to-attention -button

These days, businesses are constantly striving to get more attention on Facebook, which has more than 1.44 billion active users. Using the right strategy, businesses can witness more success from Facebook posts by adding an apt Call to Action Button  that best fits their purposes. Some of the Call to Action include Book Now, Call Now, Contact Us, Send Message, Use App, Play Game, Shop Now, Sign Up, Watch Video, Send Email, Learn More, and Request Appointment etc.

Also, it is essential to ensure that the Call to Action aligns with the desired action on your destination page. For instance, if you are using the Sign-Up button, the user sees post-click needs to be a sign-up page. Suppose you consider choosing a Call to Action that matches the messaging on your cover photo. For example, if your cover photo intends to promote a new mobile app, then the Use App button.

Customer Engagement

Facebook offers you statistics to track how the audience responds to a Facebook post. Within 48 hours of the post going live, you can click on the “View Insights” link to view the engagement. This encompass how many active users in details. The report breakdowns as new likes, demographics, page views, and also media consumption.

Read also: Nine effective Instagram tips to ensure profitability in businesses


In short, while writing post, one should write about various information that one wants to share with others. Only a well concise, authentic and appealing writing matters to having a unique Facebook post. Given a choice, users opt for Facebook over any other social media platform.

Facebook has a solid user growth along with other related businesses such as Instagram. Thus, the Facebook continues to thrive as one of the leading social network platforms when it comes to Facebook marketing & business promotion.

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